Committed to Building Men of Principle

I am a Man of Principle.

 I believe in the power of the mind, cultivating my own intellect and the minds of others.
I respect leadership, lead when called upon to do so. And help to prepare the leaders who will come after me.
I willingly lend my talents and abilities to the service of my community.
I recognize and respect the worth of each person, refusing to take part in activities that undermine the dignity of others or myself.
I choose to act responsibly, weighing the consequences of my actions on those around me.
I speak honestly and listen actively.
I seek the company of other men of principle, extending them the bonds of brotherhood.
I build bridges. Not walls. I am a Beta.

The creation of the Men of Principle initiative began in early 1997 when the Board of Trustees of Beta Theta Pi recognized the growing need for our great fraternity to realign itself with our three great principles. After months of diligent work, a 24-man committee created the bold new idea to take shape: Men of Principle. The Initiative encompassed a mission statement devoted to Lifelong Friendship, Cultivation of the Intellect, Responsible Leadership, Responsible Social Conduct, and a Commitment to the Community. The nine goals of the Men of Principle initiative are as follows:

  1. Cultivation of the Intellect
  2. Leadership Development and Self Governance
  3. Commitment to the Community
  4. Member Education
  5. Responsible Personal Conduct
  6. Chapter Advisors
  7. Member Recruitment
  8. Communication
  9. Lifelong Fraternal Brotherhood
The Men of Principle initiative aids brothers in building strong fraternal bonds through a philosophy of values, responsibility, character, and Beta’s Three Great Principles. It is not a means of General Fraternity governance, but rather an optional program for each chapter to commit to a higher level of excellence and assistance.

A PROUD FACT:  Beta has absolutely no hazing of any kind. It is our stand that all members are equal and will be treated with the utmost respect.